Product - Drilling and Tapping Machine

Application :

Drilling and Tapping Machines are utilized in manufacturing processes to create precise holes and threads in metal, wood, or other materials. They find application in industries like automotive, aerospace, electronics, and general engineering for producing components with accurate hole patterns and threaded connections.

Specification :

The Drilling and Tapping Machine boasts versatile specifications suitable for various industrial applications. With a drilling capacity of up to 20mm in steel and 25mm in cast iron, and a tapping capacity from M3 to M12, it efficiently creates precise holes and threads in different materials. The machine offers an adjustable spindle speed ranging from 200 to 3000 RPM and a sturdy table size of 400mm x 300mm. Powered by a 1.5 kW motor, it ensures reliable performance in drilling and tapping tasks. Additionally, the machine’s construction guarantees stability and durability, providing accurate and consistent results for small to medium-sized components in manufacturing processes.

Quality : 

We prioritize uncompromising quality in every aspect of our products and services. Utilizing premium materials, adhering to stringent manufacturing processes, and following international standards, we ensure our customers receive reliable, high-performance solutions. Our commitment to excellence drives us to consistently deliver superior quality products and unparalleled customer satisfaction. We conduct rigorous quality checks to ensure that our machines meet the highest industry standards and provide optimal performance and durability. Customer satisfaction and safety are at the core of our quality assurance practices, making us a trusted partner in the industry.

Prominent feature : 

Our prominent feature is the seamless integration of cutting-edge technology in our machines. From innovative automation solutions to state-of-the-art control systems, we strive to provide advanced and reliable features that enhance productivity, accuracy, and efficiency. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements sets us apart as a leader in the industry, ensuring our customers benefit from the latest innovations in the field of manufacturing machinery.Our Specialization is Ball cage drill machines,SPM machines,Leak Testing Machines ,Hydraulic presses ,Punch machines ,High pressure hydraulic testing machines ,Endurance testing machines, Impulse testing machines ,Turning and facing machines, Bolt tightening machines ,SPM machines for the automotive industry, SPM machines for the aerospace industry ,SPM machines for the medical industry ,SPM machines for the manufacturing industry

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